Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So Long Emme

 On night while I was sleeping I felt pressure on the bed beside me I opened my eyes thinking it was Donald but was surprised to find Emily and Emme.

 I laid there pretending to sleep as Emme read to a sleepy Emily. It was cute and I was very surprised that she picked a book that Emily would enjoy. 

The next morning I found Donald in the living room playing video games. It must be a guy thing since that is what Emmett sure liked to do when he lived with us.

Once he did see me though he quickly got up and wanted to flirt, it was very different that the last relationship  Donald wanted to be here.

With this new found confidence I quickly tried something new in my look. It came out better than I could have thought though I was worried how Donald and the kids would react, to my surprise they took it well and supported me.

Emberlynn and Donald became almost inseparable  in her eyes he was like the father she never had. Sometimes I wish Emberlynn and Emily would have known their father.

 Emery was a different story he spent a lot of time by himself, it never seemed to bother him much.

 Though when he did decided to do something to do with others it usually was some sort of prank mostly aimed at Emme.

 Unusual things seemed quite normal in our house. If it was not the kids it was Donald.

Time passed quickly and Emme's birthday snuck up on us fast.

She was such a beauty, more beautiful than I could ever have thought. 

 That night we had cake for her and I knew this would be the last meal we would have together before she left.

 That night I also started work on her portrait.

The following morning we headed straight to City Hall and I watched my little girl graduate. In that moment I had never felt so proud of my girl.

She walked away from us to start her own adventure. 

 At least I had Donald to help me get thought this.

And maybe fill the hole that was left by my two eldest leaving.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Birthdays & Daddy #2

It was very tough letting my eldest leave the nest and start his own life. At least I asked him to pose for me before he left that way I'd always be able to see his face when I started to miss him.

It became evident to me that the Emery could tell I was sad about his brothers departure, he started helping more around the house even without being asked.

Even Emme stepped up to help with the twins when she could find time in her busy life. It was nice to know my children loved me enough to help.

It didn't take to long for me to finish Emeric's portrait. I hung it on the wall with his graduation mettle and a picture of him and Cuddles at prom. I decided then that I would do this for all my children.

 When my two eldest where away at school I liked to spend time with the twins teaching them to walk and talk, both learned quickly and I was glad.

 The night before the twin's and Emery's birthday a man broke into the house.

Needless to say he liked the burglar alarm as much as we did.

 "Mom, whats going on." 
"Well looks like we got a burglar and the cops are here to get him."

 In the end the cop won and took the burglar away.

I was taken by surprise when the cop returned to the house after talking the man out just to tell me that all my stuff was returned to its place.

  It took me even more by surprise that he stood there and flirted with me for a while before leaving.

Since having kids I had thought my looks had gone to nothing, I guess I was wrong.

The following morning before the kids got up I set up for a triple birthday.

 I brought Emily up to the cake first and helped her blow out the candles.

 While I was doing so Emery made his wish and blew out his.

 He turned into such a handsome young man.
(Animal Lover)

My sweet Emily looked much like I did when I was her age.

 Finally I brought my youngest up.

 Look at my Emberlynn she is such a cutie with her daddy's freckles.
(Family Oriented)

 It was nice to sit at the table for the first time with all my girls.

That is till I got and unexpected call from Emeric telling me him and Cuddles where engaged!

 I got a rather big surprise when a man came to see me his name was Donald Deaton, the cop from the other night.

 We embraced like were where old friends and I thanked him once more for catching the bad guy. We seemed to collect and audience.

"Look a horse!"
"No genius he is the cop from the other night."

"Hey mister, my mom is the best mom ever! You wanna be her boyfriend?"
"What a cruel world"

 After chasing them from the room I apologized from them being so bold and explained my situation to him.

I was rather surprised when he pretty much asked to help with my mission.

 We decided to take thing slow and try just to have a date to make sure he was ready for what awaited.

I guess I found my second baby daddy, Donald Deaton.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sad Good-Byes

 As time passes the love between Emeric and Bubbles just blossoms. They seem to always be together.

 Even young Emery seems to find love... in form of a topiary giraffe. Insanity what fun!

It was with one last flirt that Emmett decides to break the news of his departure.

 It was a bitter sweet good-bye as Keely gives Emmett one last hug.

Emmett Conley you will be greatly missed... maybe now things won't break as often.

 Emery took it the hardest, he did always seem to be Emmett's favorite child, at least momma Keely is there to make it all better.

Prom came upon the family fast and the two teenagers, Emery & Cuddles, soon set off on a night of fun. 

 It seemed to go well they flirted and danced with each other all night.

 Luckily when they arrived home someone had set up for a triple birthday!

Unfortunately Emme didn't make it to the cake before she started to age.

 On the bright side she grew up into a beautiful young woman who gained the Diva trait.

Once the love birds got home they both stepped up to the cakes, of course Emery is having a blast being the first party since he aged into a child.

 Cuddles stepped up and made her wish but of course Emeric's eyes seem to wander from her face.

 At least he focused when it was his turn.

 Emeric turned out rather handsome. He was blessed with the bookmark trait.

 And of course Cuddles turned out a pretty as could be, no surprise there.

The following day both newly found Young adults celebrated!
Cuddles was voted Most Likely to be a Rock Star

 And Emeric was voted Most Likely to Write a Best Selling Novel.

With that all said we now bid fair-well to the first born McBride child and his love Cuddles.